Five superfoods for great skin

Good skin care and treatments will help achieve a more youthful appearance but eating right will also make those results last longer and…..

1)   Kale


Kale has recently become a serious trend for those looking to keep fit and take care of their health. The reason behind this is that it’s an antioxidant powerhouse, containing vitamin C, kaempferol, beta-carotene and quercetin. Kale actually contains so much anti-oxidants that it has one of the highest ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) rating of any vegetable. Anti-oxidants are key to counteracting free radicals, which cause aging in skin by contributing to the break down of collagen and elastin.

One cup of Kale also provides a whopping 684% of your recommended daily intake of Vitamin K (an often overlooked but essential vitamin) 56% of your RDI of Vitamin A, 9% of your RDI of Vitamin C and 9% of your daily Calcium intake.

2)   Rasberries

Health Foods: Raspberries

Berries are packed with Phytonutrients, which are natural chemicals produced by plants. Key phytonutrients that are believed to aid good health and skin include Resveratrol and Ellagic Acids. Berries also contain high quantities of Vitamin C, folate and one cup of Raspberries contains up to 32% of your daily intake of fibre.

3)   Chia Seeds

Healthy Foods: Chia seeds

Chia Seeds are derived from South America and were a staple for the Mayans, with ‘Chia’ being the ancient Mayan word for ‘strength’.

Chia Seeds contain lots of Anti-Oxidants which we know are key for cell health and therefore maintaining good skin. They are also extremely low carb with 11 grams of every 12 being fiber. Chia seeds have also got a high level of protein compared to most plants, with 14% of their weight being protein. While seeds may not immediately seem like the easiest thing to incorporate into your diet, try sprinkling into salad or adding to smoothies.  Chia seeds absorb up to 10 times their weight in water, expanding into a gel, which is also an excellent substitute for porridge or for adding to sauces to thicken instead of flour.

4)  Avocado

Health Foods: Avocado

Many fear avocados because they think that they are fattening. There is nothing wrong with eating fats provided that they are the right ones. Monounsaturated fats are rich in avocados, while the fruit contains no cholesterol and little saturated fat. They are also a great source of fibre and folate. Add to salad to increase the absorption of antioxidants (lycopene and beta-carotene) from the salad by up to 300%.

5)   Sweet Potato

Health foods: Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are often used as a substitute for the more traditional white potato but they are also a very rich source of magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, iron and the antioxidant beta-carotene. One cup of Sweet Potato provides up to 700% of your RDI of Vitamin A. It would also provide 65% of your RDI Vitamin C and 7 grams of fibre.