Fractional skin ResurFacing: treat sagging skin and wrinkles without surgery

concern downturned mouth

Fractional skin ResurFacing reduces wrinkles, sagging, stretch marks and scars. All of this and not a scalpel in sight! What is a Fractional Laser ResurFace? A laser is used to target tiny sections of your skin. Minute columns of damage stimulate the skin to repair itself by producing collagen. The surrounding skin begins a natural […]

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Safe Tattoo Removal which targets the ink, not your skin

A tattoo can be a dramatic or beautiful declaration about ourselves. However, if things change, we might regret the very permanent statement we once treasured. Welcome to your tattoo time-machine! At Radiance, we use the latest Q-Plus C laser, which works on three wavelengths to directly target the ink in your tattoo not your skin. […]

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Laser Hair Removal – A more permanent solution

If hair-growth is proving difficult, you have to shave too often, you have unsightly hair in easily visible places or you’re simply tired of the regular grooming of bikini-lines, under-arms, chests or backs then laser hair removal is the answer. How Laser Hair Removal Works At Radiance, we use an Ellipse I2PL Machine, which emits […]

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Don’t beat around the bush

The words ‘Hollywood’ or ‘Brazilian’ in the beauty industry don’t conjure up images of wealthy boulevard stars or gorgeously tanned foreigners, instead rather the less exotic types of bikini waxing. Most of us have talked about it, thought about it or even had it, but there are some of us who still want to know […]

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Laser teeth whitening explained

In-clinic laser teeth whitening is a simple and effective treatment that is designed to remove years of staining and whiten the teeth to a new sparkling and natural look. The procedure works by the application of a gel to the enamel that is accelerated to react with the natural mineral in the tooth and whiten […]

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IPL laser hair removal explained

Laser hair removal is the most effective method to reduce unwanted hair. On average a woman will shave 12 times a month which equates to 7,718 times in a lifetime, which is why so many women are turning to laser for their hair removal. In the UK most women prefer to remove the hair from […]

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